Building a snake game in Python with PyGame

This is a guide that explains the processes that go into building this snake game.


Setting up the coding environment

To build the game, you have to install PyGame. Run this command to install it:

pip install pygame

I prefer building my Python projects in a virtual environment, and that’s what I used in building this application. If you run into dependency problems, try installing it in a virtual environment and using it there. Instead of on the global python install.

Next, I created a new file where I’ll be writing and editing all the code for this project.

Set up the PyGame window

On computers, any GUI application has to be in a window. In this section, I explain how I set up the window for the game.

All you need to do to set up with window is to write this code into

import pygame

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 720))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True

while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False



When you run python, you will see a gray window appear on your desktop. Like this:

Gray screen

Here’s how the code works works:

  1. Import PyGame into the script
    import pygame
  2. Initialize all the PyGame modules
  3. Create a display surface with a width and height of 720 pixels
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 720))
  4. Create a clock object to control the game’s framerate
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
  5. Starts a game loop that will run indefinitely until the user tries to quit the window
    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False
  6. Fill the surface with the color gray
        # in while loop
  7. Update the full display surface to the screen
        # in while loop
  8. Limit the runtime speed of the game to 20 frames per second
        # in while loop
  9. Uninitialize all the PyGame modules
    # when the loop is broken

Working on the snake

To represent the snake, I created a variable called snake and stored a dictionary that contains details that make up the snake in it. The details in the dictionary are:

  • The position of the snake’s head
  • An array of vectors to represent the position of where the circles that make up the snake’s body are
  • The length of the snake
  • The direction that its head is moving in.

Here’s the code for this:

snake = {
    "head": pygame.Vector2(screen.get_width() / 2, screen.get_height() / 2),
    "body": [],
    "length": 1,
    "direction": pygame.Vector2(0, 10),

After that, I created a draw function, for drawing the snake. Later in the guide, I’ll modify this function to draw everything we need to be rendered on the display surface:

def draw (snake):
    # draw snake
    for element in snake['body']:, "purple", element, 4), "green", snake['head'], 5)

To represent the head of the snake, we’re using a circle of radius 5 pixels. And to represent every list item that makes up its body we’re using purple circles of radius 4 pixels.

Lastly, I called the draw function after screen.fill and before pygame.display.fill, so that the snake gets drawn to the display surface after it has been filled with the color gray:

while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False


Running this now should give you a green dot on the screen like this: Screenshot

Moving the snake

To make the snake move, we’ll create a move function where we’ll write the code that updates the position of the snake’s head, modify the list of vectors in the snake’s body array, and makes any other transformation that it needs to on the snake.

Here’s the function:

def move(snake):

    while len(snake['body']) > snake['length']:

    snake['head'].y += snake['direction'].y
    snake['head'].x += snake['direction'].x

    snake['head'].y %= 720
    snake['head'].x %= 720

The snake’s body array is just a collection of all the previous positions that the head has been at. Here’s how this function works:

  1. When the position of the snake’s head is about to be updated, a copy of its current vector is appended to the snake’s body array.

  2. the start of the body list is removed as many times as it needs to maintain a length that is equal to the value of the snake’s length

    while len(snake['body']) > snake['length']:
  3. Its head x and y values are incremented with the x and y values of the snake’s direction vector.

    snake['head'].y += snake['direction'].y
    snake['head'].x += snake['direction'].x
  4. To make the snake come out of the opposite end when it goes out of bounds in any direction, I used the modulo operator. 721 % 720 is 1, 722 % 720 is 2 and it goes on like that. It also works similarly for negatives -2 % 720 is 718, -3 % 720 is 717, and so on.

    snake['head'].y %= 720
    snake['head'].x %= 720

Finally, I placed the move function call line under screen.fill and before draw to make the new position of the snake drawn to the screen when we call the draw function:

while running:
    # ...

When you run the game at this stage, you should see the snake moving downwards.

Controlling the snake

In this section, we’ll define a control function that will listen for UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrow key inputs from the keyboard, and change the direction of the snake to match which key is pressed.

Here’s the function definition for control:

def control(snake):
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
        if snake['direction'].x != 0:
            snake['direction'].x = 0
            snake['direction'].y = -10
    elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
        if snake['direction'].x != 0:
            snake['direction'].x = 0
            snake['direction'].y = 10
    elif keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
        if snake['direction'].y != 0:
            snake['direction'].x = -10
            snake['direction'].y = 0
    elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
        if snake['direction'].y != 0:
            snake['direction'].x = 10
            snake['direction'].y = 0

The function retrieves a sequence of the state of all the keys on the keyboard. False if they’re not pushed down and True if they are.

Next, I use the K_UP, K_DOWN, K_LEFT, and K_RIGHT constants to check the state of the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to know which of them the player is pushing down.

Finally, I updated the snake’s direction vector accordingly. To restrict the snake’s movement to its left or its, I had to use these conditions:

  • snake['direction'].x != 0: x being 0 means it is either moving up or down already.
  • snake['direction'].y != 0: y being 0 means it is either moving left or right already.

Now, I placed the control function call line just before calling move, to make sure that the direction of the snake is updated before it moves:

while running:
    # ...

Working on the ball

In a snake game, the snake gets longer with each piece of food eaten. For consistency, I’ll use the word “ball” to reference this piece of food.

In this section, I’ll explain how I added the ball to the game. Since the only important quality of the ball is its position, you can initialize its variable as a vector.

We also want it to be randomly positioned, so I’ll initialize it this way:

ball = randomly_position()

And define the randomly_position function like so:

def randomly_position():
    return pygame.Vector2(
        random.randint(1, 71) * 10,
        random.randint(1, 71) * 10,

Importing the random library into the script is important for the function to work:

import random

Lastly, I’ll update the draw function to accept the ball as input and draw it on the screen:

def draw (snake, ball):
    # draw snake
    for element in snake['body']:, "purple", element, 4), "green", snake['head'], 5)

    # draw ball, "red", ball, 5)

Then, update the draw function call line to this:

draw(snake, ball)

Note: The randomly_place function is a very simple implementation of the random positioning mechanism. If the snake gets long enough, the ball might start to overlap with its body. Or might be in weird places.

Colliding with the ball

To detect whether the snake has eaten the ball, I built a simple collision detection mechanism in a collided function and set it up in the game loop.

Here’s how the function looks:

def collided(head, obj):
    if head.x == obj.x and head.y == obj.y:
        return True

    return False

Since the snake moves in a grid-like pattern, we can check if its head and the ball collide, by seeing if they overlap. That’s how this function works. If two objects overlap, they’ll be in the same x and y position.

To set it up in the game loop, you’ll need to add an if condition that triggers its code block if the snake’s head overlaps with the ball. Here’s the update for it:

while running:
    # ...


    if collided(snake['head'], ball):
        ball = randomly_position()
        snake['length'] += 1

    draw(snake, ball)

Since part of the rules of a snake game is to change the position of the ball to somewhere random and to increase the length of the snake, I added these two lines to the if block:

        ball = randomly_position()
        snake['length'] += 1

The Game-over screen

A snake game ends when its head collides with its body. In this section, I’ll use the collided function to set up this collision detection and write the script for the game over screen.

This is the screen I want to show when the game ends: Game over

I started by updating the draw function to display the screen only when a condition show_end_screen is True:

def draw (snake, ball, show_end_screen):
    # draw snake
    for element in snake['body']:, "purple", element, 4), "green", snake['head'], 5)

    # draw ball, "red", ball, 5)

    if show_end_screen:
        # draw end screen
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (90, 110, 520, 520))
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (100, 100, 100), (100, 100, 520, 520))

        font = pygame.font.Font('font.ttf', 32)
        smaller_font = pygame.font.Font('font.ttf', 16)

        text = font.render('Game Over', True, (0, 0, 0))
        textRect = text.get_rect() = (360, 340)
        screen.blit(text, textRect)

        smaller_text = smaller_font.render('Press \'r\' to restart.', True, (0, 0, 0))
        smaller_textRect = smaller_text.get_rect() = (360, 370)
        screen.blit(smaller_text, smaller_textRect)

        even_smaller_text = smaller_font.render(f'Score: {snake["length"] - 1}', True, (0, 0, 0))
        even_smaller_textRect = even_smaller_text.get_rect() = (360, 390)
        screen.blit(even_smaller_text, even_smaller_textRect)

Here’s a breakdown of how the end screen is drawn:

  1. Draw two rectangles at the center of the screen. One offset and behind the other to look like a shadow
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (90, 110, 520, 520))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (100, 100, 100), (100, 100, 520, 520))
  1. Initialize two font objects, font and smaller_font, with the same font file but with font’s font size half as small as smaller_font.
font = pygame.font.Font('font.ttf', 32)
smaller_font = pygame.font.Font('font.ttf', 16)
  1. Use the font object with the bigger font size to render the “Game Over” text.
text = font.render('Game Over', True, (0, 0, 0))
textRect = text.get_rect() = (360, 340)
screen.blit(text, textRect)
  1. Use the object with the smaller font size to render “Press ‘r’ to restart” underneath the “Game Over” text.
smaller_text = smaller_font.render('Press \'r\' to restart.', True, (0, 0, 0))
smaller_textRect = smaller_text.get_rect() = (360, 370)
screen.blit(smaller_text, smaller_textRect)
  1. Use the object with the smaller font size to render the player’s final score underneath “Press ‘r’ to restart.”
even_smaller_text = smaller_font.render(f'Score: {snake["length"] - 1}', True, (0, 0, 0))
even_smaller_textRect = even_smaller_text.get_rect() = (360, 390)
screen.blit(even_smaller_text, even_smaller_textRect)

You’ll need a font to render the text, and I’ll link the one I used to this guide.

I also added a new argument to the draw function definition called show_end_screen. After defining the function, I modified the draw function call line to pass a value to the show_end_screen argument, and created a show_end_screen variable outside the game loop to be the state variable:

show_end_screen = False

while running:
    # ...

    draw(snake, ball, show_end_screen)

Now, I use the collided function to detect a collision between the snake’s head and body:

while running:
    # ...

    for i, body in enumerate(snake['body']):
        if collided(snake['head'], body):
            show_end_screen = True

If the snake’s head collides with its body, show_end_screen is set to True.

While show_end_screen is True, the snake shouldn’t be moving and the game should be getting ready to restart when the user pushes the key r on their keyboard.

while running:
    # ...
    if not show_end_screen:
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if keys[pygame.K_r]:
            snake = {
                "head": pygame.Vector2(screen.get_width() / 2, screen.get_height() / 2),
                "body": [],
                "length": 1,
                "direction": pygame.Vector2(0, 10),
            ball = randomly_position()
            show_end_screen = False

To do this, I used a single if-else statement. That if show_end_screen isn’t True, the if block runs and the snake can move. If show_end_screen is False, the snake doesn’t move, and instead the game checks for if the player is pushing the r key down, and restarts the game if they do.


I hope this guide has been really helpful to you.

This guide is a step-by-step process of how I built the snake game with Python and PyGame. And I left a link to its GitHub repository at the top of the article. I also left it here too.

Thanks for reading